Friday, January 17

Many of you know that I got hired at Urban Outfitters for seasonal... 

Since day one of working at Urban, I've came in contact with so many amazing people and have grown rapidly as a person. I've discovered so much more about myself than I ever thought I'd know and have learned to express myself in different ways.

When I had first heard that they wanted to hire me after a short open interview, with at least a hundred or so applicants to compete with, all I could think about was how unworthy and fortunate I was to get this awesome opportunity. It was a couple of weeks after the interview and I had given up hope because I figured they would have called me by then. Better late than never, right? It was an amazing surprise to get a call that would change my life. To get my first job at a place that I've been wanting to work at for 3+ years was really incredible and I'm grateful for every second of it.

This really came to me at such a perfect time in my life, I feel like I needed this. It's molding me into such a better person and has gotten me out of my comfort zone. Honestly, it's done so much good for me mentally and physically. All of the people I've met along the way in this journey are incredible and will always hold a place in my heart. I'll admit that Urban isn't the perfect job, retail has it's ups and downs, but all jobs have their flaws. In the end, I really do enjoy it all.

This may sound like I'm saying my goodbyes to Urban, but I have a pretty big announcement - Urban has offered me a permanent spot on the team. There were so many amazing candidates that could have been chosen over me, but I was lucky enough to be one of the few to stay. To any of those who have supported me in the past few months, thank you so much. I'm only getting started here and I couldn't be more excited.

Day one at Urban.

Final day of seasonal.

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